Why Did I Stop Posting?

August 5, 2013

I have begun to read Stephen King’s “Memoir On Writing” solely because it is my summer reading requirement. As King divulged his childhood memories of being put down by countless persons who were “above him” I realized I have mistakenly taken my elders’ advice. My blog may not be the number one website ever visited;however, it allows me to communicate my emotions, thoughts, and life with whoever will listen.


Let’s change the World we live in. 

Tea Partying; Because Barack is a Socialist

May 4, 2012

Before I was aware that Obama, in fact, used his executive power to REDUCE taxes, I wrote a comparison between the Tea Party and the original Boston Tea Party for U.S. History. It is slightly embarassing, but ‘I enjoy looking back at my roots and showing my progress via my blog here at Secular Morality. Here it is:

The Tea Party movement began in 2009 as a protest against the economic stimulus package. The main goal of this party is to decrease the government’s power in America by cutting taxes and spending. The majority of the Tea Party supporters are conservative, white, male, married, and over 45; they are wealthier and better-educated than the general public. Considering the movement began only 2 short years ago, the Tea Party has been successful in helping increase conservative views throughout the country.

The purpose of the Tea Party movement and the American revolutionary movement are very similar; however, the

problems they were formed to address were caused by very different sources. Both parties were formed by a group of

From the Albuquerque Tea Party on Tax Day

people who felt they government they were under was too strict. The American revolutionary movement was formed to stop the British government from taxing the colonies, due to a massive debt caused by the French and Indian war. Now this is where the difference between the two movements is; the Tea Party was formed to stop a government from overtaxing to fix a debt that the American citizens created themselves, by electing socialist leaders to govern a capitalist country. The Tea Party was formed by a group of individuals wealthier and better-educated than the general public, this is because they strived to succeed in life, and for the most part have succeeded. The American revolutionary movement was an attempt to preserve what they created, and the Tea Party attempt to return America to what it once was; a conservative, anti-communist, consumer based, capitalist country.

(Yes, I did embolden wealthier and better educated in the original)


To show where I am now on my journey through the ever-changing political spiral here is what I posted recently:

Here is a list of the socialist regime’s actions against the people thus far. I have included a “Socialist-o-meter” rating in parenthesis after each of the bullet points.

The first bill signed by President Obama regarding taxes was the American Recovery and Reinvestment Actwhich effectively:

  • CUT taxes for 95% of working class families (0/10)
  • Gave 70% of the tax cuts to the middle 60% of American workers(4/10)

Then we saw The Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Re-authorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 which:

  • Extends middle class tax cuts to prevent a typical working family from facing a tax increase of over $2,000 on January 1 (0/10)
  • Provides a 2% payroll tax cut to 159 million workers – providing the typical working family with an additional $1,000 tax cut (0/10)

The most recent action being  Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 which:

  • Extends unemployment insurance so that millions of Americans who are looking for work will still be able to depend on the vital lifeline of unemployment insurance (6/10)
  • Includes important reforms that the President proposed in the American Jobs Act to help discourage businesses from laying off workers and to connect workers with jobs. (4/10)
Its a shame, my calculator added that up to be 14/60 in socialist points. I spend over $100 on the damned thing and it doesn’t even know that Obama is a socialist! Now, I do understand that Obama intends to raise the taxes on the 2% of Americans who make over $250,000 a year. If one wants to call this socialism, he must also call Eisenhower a socialist also.
Let us compare the two presidents’ income tax policies for the wealthy:

Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican)

  • Marginal Tax Rate on Regular Income over $400,000: 92% – 91%

Barack Hussein Obama (Socialist)

  • Marginal Tax Rate on Regular Income: over $372,950 – over 388,350: 35%

If you feel that any information is inaccurate, feel free to report it. Please prove me wrong, but do not say that I am biased towards Obama without disproving any of the facts I have provided.

Tax Cuts since Proposal A

Tax Cuts since Proposal A (Photo credit: farlane)

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Remembering Sadam: A Liberal in Defense of Bush

May 3, 2012

The United States’ war on terror moved into     Iraq on March 20th2003. One must be extremely careful when indicating who America was at war with, because they did not attack the nation of Iraq. U.S. President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair organized a joint effort to infiltrate and overthrow the Saddam Hussein. The two leaders articulated three reasons for the invasion.

Former President of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, make...

Former President of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, makes a point during his initial interview by a special tribunal, where he is informed of his alleged crimes and his legal rights. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

First, Saddam Hussein possessed nuclear weapons. Second, that he had ties to Al-Qaeda. Third, Saddam’s regime had been oppressing the Shia Islam population for decades. The first two have been, for the most part, proven untrue, causing Bush to be deemed a liar by a mass delirium throughout the nation. As a result of his reputation as a liar, many Americans overlook the incredible joy felt by every Shia Muslim upon hearing the news that Saddam Hussein had been captured by the U.S. on December 13th2003. They would finally be allowed the religious freedom taken for granted in America, and would no longer fear the oppressive Sunni regime, something that would have been impossible without U.S. intervention. This did not mark the end of America’s occupation of Iraq, however, and America decided to stay in control of Iraq until a stable democracy was established. It ended up taking until the December of 2011 for the U.S. to withdraw its troops from Iraq under President Barack Obama, thus putting an end to the Iraq war.

When evaluating the decision to invade Iraq it is possible to assert that President Bush lied to the American people about Saddam’s ties to terrorism and still deem his decision to invade admirable. Saddam was executed in 2006 after being found guilty of 148 murders of Shia Muslims in 1982. Since then it is impossible to accurately calculate the number of Shia he was responsible for slaughtering, but had America decided to stand idly by it is fair to say that Saddam would still be murdering the Shia today.

Barack Obama’s Ten Point Plan To “Change” The Second Ammendment

May 1, 2012

There it was. The paper handout that I had brought home from the gun show over three years ago was still hanging on my bedroom door.

I remember the sorrow I felt when I found out about Barack’s “plan” to take away my rights to go hunting, a tradition that was very important to me and my hunting state of Wisconsin. I was only thirteen at the time, just old enough to claim my first ten-point buck! I knew that Kenyan Muslim Barack Obama would make it illegal for me to join in the tradition that had been in my family for generations.

I looked over the Plan over an over again. I just couldn’t understand. Here is what the handout claimed to be Obama’s Ten Point Plan:

  1. Ban use of firearms for home defense.

  2. Pass Federal laws eliminating your Right-to-Carry.

  3. Ban the manufacture, sale, and possession of hand-guns.

  4. Close down 90% of gun shops in America.

  5. Ban rifle ammunition commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.

  6. Increase Federal taxes on guns and ammunition by 500 percent.

  7. Restore voting rights for five million criminals including those who have been convicted of using a gun to commit a violent crime.

  8. Expand the Clinton semi-auto ban to include millions more firearms.

  9. Mandate a government issued license to purchase a firearm.

  10. Appoint judges to the U.S. Supreme Court and Federal Judiciary who share his views on the second amendment.

    Barack Obama delivers a speech at the Universi...

Since then I have become an Obama supporter, and I decided to remind all of us of the 2008 accusations brought against our president. On another note, I never did go hunting (and no, Obama did not prohibit me from doing so) and I am a strong believer in Government gun regulation. It has been shown to work in the UK, which enforces some of the toughest gun regulation laws in the World.



Total Firearm related death rate (Per 100,000)

  • United States: 10.27 (CDC 2004-2006)
  • Great Britain: 0.46 (KRUG 1998)

Intentional Homicide Rate (Per 100,000)

  • United States: 4.8 (2011)
  • Great Britain: 1.23 (2011)

Please feel free to comment on this, sure to come up in 2012 election, issue! I want to hear your personal opinions and comments regardless of whether we see eye-to-eye on this issue or not.


Women’s Right to Equal Pay Repealed in Wisconsin

April 19, 2012

If you are not up to date with the situation in Wisconsin, Governor Scott Walker (R) was elected in 2010 and repealed teacher’s collective bargaining rights in order to “balance the budget.” Since he had made no mention of this plan before he ran, Wisconsinites organized a Recall Walker campaign, and there will be a recall election this Fall. Now he has gone to far.

Without even making a statement, Walker signed a bill on April 5th which repealed  2009 Equal Pay Enforcement Act. He finally explained his reasoning when he was asked about the bill saying that lawyers were using the law to “clog up the legal system.”

“In the past, lawyers could clog up the legal system,” Walker said. “Instead, the state Department of Workforce Development gets to be the one that ultimately can put people back and give them up to two years back pay if there is reason to believe there was pay discrimination in the workforce.”

The 2009 Equal Pay Enforcement Act was passed to prevent employees from being discriminated against by their employers by allowing women to press charges more easily. Instead of going to the more expensive federal court, women were able to take their cases to the state court system.

Women start seeing discrimination in the workplace as soon as they get out of college.  The American Association of University

Scott Walker on February 18, 2011

Scott Walker on February 18, 2011 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Women found that women earned 5 percent less than their male counterparts the first year out of college. After ten years, even if women and men keep working on par in their jobs, women earn 12 percent less.

This action only proves that Walker is willing to run over anything if he thinks he could save a bit of money. Teachers rights?! Who needs those? Unfortunately the men and women who have the tremendous responsibility to educate the states’ children need them. His policies contributed to the 4,600 private sector jobs lost in Wisconsin last month. I started out supporting him, but it is clear to me that there is no way to have a clear conscience and simultaneously support this man.

Leaked Video: Live Goats’ Legs Cut Off With Tree Trimmers

April 18, 2012

Leaked Video: Live Goats’ Legs Cut Off With Tree Trimmers.

Yes, PETA has some extreme stances (against owning pets for example) but this is a video and article that I felt was too gruesome to be tossed aside as an “extremist cause.”

I hate re-blogging. I’m sorry it isn’t my own work but in an area I feel strongly about I would rather have people that have devoted their lives give you the rest of the details.

5 GOOD Things Religion Has Contributed

April 15, 2012

I must admit, I had originally thought of making a list of things evil religion had done. In honor of my Christian followers that have responded to my criticism with genuine, heartfelt responses I decided to post this instead.  Thank you to all my followers, both believers and skeptics, your choice to comment without resorting to ad hominem slanders has helped me enjoy writing even more than I expected.


5. Religion gave us America


Atheist often argue that America is not a Christian nation. Most of the Founders were Deists (they thought the universe had a creator, but that he does not concern himself with the lives of humans, and does not directly communicate with humans) including Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine. They would be correct, but the reason that so many people were willing to travel across a vast ocean was to escape religious persecution. Their dedication to their religion made America possible.

What is even more remarkable about their suffering is that after they had sailed nearly 4,000 miles to escape persecution is that they did not retaliate against their oppressors. They separated Church and State so that even those who caused them harm would not be harmed in return. The teaching of Jesus to “turn the other cheek” is remarkable and I would like to thank every Christian that follows these words. I have adopted that teaching as a philosophy, and I try to forgive those who I feel harm me.

4. Religion gave us incredible artwork

During the Spring of my eighth grade year I had the privilege of going on a class trip (it was referred to as a pilgrimage) and I entered dozens of basilicas that left me absolutely speechless. Christopher Hitchens even admitted that he had an appreciation for the artwork made in honor of God. Unfortunately it seems to me as if religious artwork has been gradually declining in quality and meaning. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the result of people using Christianity to make a profit which, believe me Christians, is one of the greatest push factors of religion.  Something that hurts me to see is the ad hominem “artwork” called “Piss Christ.” I am sorry that some Anti-theists think such an abomination is acceptable. So a tip of the hat goes out to Christians for producing some of the most incredible artwork produced by man.

3. Religion creates wonderful charities and organizations

I found this rather summary list of organizations on the internet:

Salvation Army
Christian Children’s Fund
St. Jude’s Hospital
Habitat For Humanity International
Promise Keepers
World Relief
Remuda (Eating Disorder help)
Christian Aid Canada
Christian Aid USA
International Needs
International Prison Ministry

Some Christian organizations are corrupt, but so are many secular organizations as well. Let us not forget that in the wake of Hurricane Katrina it was churches who stepped  up, even more than the government did. Even though I am an atheist I am Pro-life, and it is the Christians who stand up for life, not the secularists (with the exception of Christopher Hitchens, who was a Pro-life Anti-theist).

2. Religion brings comfort to the terminally ill

As John Lennon asked the World to image there was no Heaven, I now ask you to imagine yourself dying of incurable cancer.

The Missionary Position

Imagine that you had never once been told of Christianity, and the only one who would care for you is Mother Teresa. If you are not familiar with Christopher Hitchens, he wrote a book titled “The Missionary Position” criticizing Mother Teresa. Although I normally agree with him, I think Christopher was wrong in saying that Mother Teresa was a terrible hypocrite.  I know that if I was in terrible pain caused by malnutrition I would be more than happy if someone could convince me that I would live an eternal life filled with comfort when I died.

1. Christianity has spread democracy

America was formed with a very puritan mindset. Let us not forget of “Manifest Destiny” which is the belief that American influence must be spread as a charitable act.

Please comment if you feel any information was either wrong or misleading. Comments are always appreciated, as are shares. I want Christians to know that atheists are not cold-hearted, and I would be extremely happy if this post has changed your opinion about atheists.







The Sentence I Overheard That Made ME Liberal

April 15, 2012

Capitalism has been associated with freedom, opportunity, risk, success; the list goes on and on. Communism is often associated with the complete loss of individuality. It seems, however, that a college that costs $40,000 sans room and board is the furthest thing from opportunity. With 1 in 6 children in Milwaukee living in poverty, the notion that America is a land of opportunity seems awfully far-fetched.

I am fortunate enough to attend a high school with tuition exceeding ten-thousand dollars per year. For years I had been under the opinion that Capitalism was what made higher education possible; this idea was based upon what I was taught by others, for I had never put much effort into researching what made my education possible. The school is located in a relatively poor neighborhood, and after school one afternoon I was waiting to be picked up, when a group of 4 or 5 teenagers walked by the school. The next thing I heard is something I can never forget.

“HA, the students that go to that motherfucker walk around with 10 G’s in their back pocket!”

Perhaps the education I took for granted was denied to most children, children that would give anything to switch places with me. This

Kerry State School

Kerry State School (Photo credit: Rana X.)

is what made me realize that the notion that “America is the land of equal opportunity,” is not based on facts, but on manipulated opinions given to the general public by people who can afford to pay millions to keep their billions. Perhaps there can be no “equal opportunity” when there is absolutely no equality in the education system.

America is not Charlie Scheen, despite what the media has caused most people to believe, America is not always winning. Let me be clear, America is LOSING. We are losing ground faster than ever before. It is appalling to see presidential candidates deny that they ever cared about education reform in order to gain support.

Few people know that Canada’s McGill University costs $1,900 per year, even fewer realize that it is ranked higher than 3 Ivy League schools. I have decided to work on Daniel Riemer’s campaign for Representative in the State Assembly in Wisconsin’s new 7th District. I have decided that I will work as hard as possible to assure that no child is left behind because their parents could not afford to spend $40,000 on their high school education. To learn more about Daniel’s campaign or to contribute to someone who brings hope to Wisconsin’s struggling public school system due to Scott Walker’s policies see: http://riemerforassembly.com/


Your Tax Return Due Date is Approaching – What Has That Socialist Done To Steal Your Money So Far?

April 12, 2012
President Barack Obama signs the Tax Relief, U...

President Barack Obama signs the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 at the White House. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Here is a list of the socialist regime’s actions against the people thus far. I have included a “Socialist-o-meter” rating in parenthesis after each of the bullet points.

The first bill signed by President Obama regarding taxes was the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act which effectively:

  • CUT taxes for 95% of working class families (0/10)
  • Gave 70% of the tax cuts to the middle 60% of American workers (4/10)

Then we saw The Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Re-authorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 which:

  • Extends middle class tax cuts to prevent a typical working family from facing a tax increase of over $2,000 on January 1 (0/10)
  • Provides a 2% payroll tax cut to 159 million workers – providing the typical working family with an additional $1,000 tax cut (0/10)

The most recent action being  Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 which:

  • Extends unemployment insurance so that millions of Americans who are looking for work will still be able to depend on the vital lifeline of unemployment insurance (6/10)
  • Includes important reforms that the President proposed in the American Jobs Act to help discourage businesses from laying off workers and to connect workers with jobs. (4/10)

Its a shame, my calculator added that up to be 14/60 in socialist points. I spend over $100 on the damned thing and it doesn’t even know that Obama is a socialist! Now, I do understand that Obama intends to raise the taxes on the 2% of Americans who make over $250,000 a year. If one wants to call this socialism, he must also call Eisenhower a socialist also.
Let us compare the two presidents’ income tax policies for the wealthy:

Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican)

  • Marginal Tax Rate on Regular Income over $400,000: 92% – 91%

Barack Hussein Obama (Socialist)

  • Marginal Tax Rate on Regular Income: over $372,950 – over 388,350: 35%

If you feel that any information is inaccurate, feel free to report it. Please prove me wrong, but do not say that I am biased towards Obama without disproving any of the facts I have provided.

Studies Show That Global Warming is Good

April 10, 2012

With an approximate 925  million people suffering from hunger and malnutrition in the World one would assume that their health should take precedent over stopping global warming. That is the basis for Sherwood Idso‘s argument that global warming is, in fact, a good thing.

He does not adhere to the usual debate over whether or not Global Warming is occurring. He argues that increased CO2 is key to

A seated, listless child, who was among many k...

crop fertilization that sustains biodiversity and averts worldwide famine, and since Global Warming increases CO2 it helps reduce starvation.

If Global Warming was reversed by environmentalists and Barack Obama’s alternative energy plans one would expect to see a proportional decrease in available resources. Thus leading to resource wars between struggling leaders in attempt to save their nations.

Such an assertion requires extraordinary research and credible sources. After further research (AKA reading the first line on Idso’s Wikipedia, link here) it came to my attention that Idso’s “research” organization, Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, had received donations from Exxon Mobil.

So, just how powerful are corporations? Powerful enough to fund research projects as credible as a creationist argument.